nihilists with good imaginations

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Lovesick swan falls in love with swan paddle boat

BERLIN (Reuters) - A swan has fallen in love with a plastic swan-shaped paddle boat on a pond in the German town of Muenster and has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel five times its size, a sailing instructor said Friday.

Peter Overschmidt, who operates a sailing school and rents the two-seat paddle boat on the Aasee pond, said the black swan with a bright red beak has not left the white swan boat's side since it flew in one day in early May.

"It seems like he's fallen in love," said Overschmidt. "He protects it, sits next to it all the time and chases away any sail boats that get anywhere nearby. He thinks the boat is a strong and attractive swan."

Overschmidt said the swan will figure it out sooner or later but hopes he won't be too heartbroken.

"I'll wish him all the best and hope that he doesn't make the same mistake again," said Overschmidt."

Saturday, May 27, 2006

yes i realize i'm 3 years behind the times, but...

yeah, i caved and made a myspace

i think i did it because i keep on seeing on the tv stories about myspace...albeit on the cyber-predators that take advantage of it...but stories nonetheless

go me.

and, don't see x-men 3. i was really looking forward to it and it was horrible!!! ruined the entire series for me, really.

peace out

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

< 0 >

Alias is done.

I am le sad.

They killed Jack and Irina. Sloane was buried alive for eternity. Vaughn and Syd ended up together. like DUH.

if this is how JJ Abrams ends his shows, i should just stop watching LOST now.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

in the 10 days that i was in mississauga, I...

-watched Rent twice
-saw The Da Vinci Code and thought it was pretty shitty
-played Drinko (think Plinko from Price is Right but with winning shots instead of money hahaha) with danielle, james and jay and ordered mcdonalds from a cab at 2:30 am
-became obsessed with The Lost Experience and am convinced that ABC is laughing at me on a daily basis
-got high at least 6 times (more like 9 or 10, im sure)
-smoked in my bathroom and bedroom with the danielle (we are so sketch)
-had waayy too much fast food (including 3 mcflurries and 4 wendys fries, ew.)
-got countless intoxicated emails/text messages/facebook messages from my lovelies
-stayed up til 4:30 in the morning watching random videos on YouTube including many of Idina Menzel (love her)
-wished i was back in london partying with the L.S.C.
-shopped like a mofo (Sephora!) and thus made me bring a bigger suitcase back to london with me

and tons more, i'm sure. goooodbyeee sauga, hellooo london! train gets in @ 6. get ready to partyyyy

Thursday, May 18, 2006

the pros and cons of mississauga

ok so for the past week i've been in mississauga because i'm currently in between jobs (and by 'in between' i mean that i left my first job in london because they were taking advantage of my neediness of a job and my next job (calling alumni on western's behalf and asking for money, ha) doesnt start for another 2 weeks).

anyways, so mississauga.

i have my beef with mississauga.

first of all, there's nothing to do. and i dont mean 'i live in kansas and there's nothing to do', i mean, compared to toronto (even london) there are no places to go drink, unless you wanna drink at the Jack Astors' or Moxies' smoking bars or the freakin Hare and Firkin chain of crappy bars. also, there's the whole living with your parents thing. after having 2 years of living on your own @ university, coming back into a house where your every move is watched and having to ask to go out with friends and having to go everywhere by car because taking a cab would cost 20 or 30 bucks or more SUCKS. when you're in mississauga, your television consumption doubles during the day. as in, this week, i have watched 2 episodes of montel, 3 episodes of jerry springer (??!), 2 episodes of Judge Joe Brown, infinite episodes of Star Trek and all of the the Ellens. also, i have managed to watch season 1 and 2 of Dead Like Me. ok, and living @ home in mississauga, you can't smoke drugs in your house. i reeeally miss that hahaha. plus you have to drive to get/smoke drugs with friends who live on the other end of town and drive home..or make them come to you and find a random sketchy park/parking lot where other sketchbags are also smoking drugs too.

but now after hating on mississauga, i feel like i should express some good things about it. there are PLENTY of places to shop, and you dont have to worry about bussing/cabbing it back home b/c u can drive there and often mommy will pick up the tab. actually, mommy pays for everything in mississauga.. from groceries to clothes to still shoving 20 bucks in my purse when im not looking each time i go out with friends. also, driving in mississauga means tunes while you travel. usually its an ipod connected to one of those cassette tape adapter things where we listen to those good cruising songs (currently it's Teddy Geiger's For You I Will *i'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence i have and cannonball into your mother* HA) as well as listening to our friend James's hundreds of karaoke song files he has for his karaoke business. in the past week, mainly out of boredom, my friends and i have driven in oakville, burlington, etobicoke, brampton, milton, caledon, and hamilton, along with everywhere in the saug. also, where i live in mississauga, there's a close proximity to the airport. luckily enough, there's not a runway over my house or anything, but the airport's about a 10 minute drive from my house. meaning that sometime soon, danielle and i are going to the airport bar with fake backpacks on and getting drunk in the afternoon and talking to randoms and making up stories about the amazing places we're going to. im also looking into going to the local CAA office and getting a bunch of free travel guides before going so we can lie more honestly to the drunken randoms we're gonna meet. yeah.

see, this is what bored 19 year olds do in mississauga.

i guess what im trying to say is that, even tho i feel like i can come up with billions of reasons why i hate living at home in mississauga, there's just that something about coming *home* that makes it all worthwhile. even tho parents can suck and driving everywhere can be hella annoying, it's where i've lived all my life, and nothing can change the security i feel here.

commentors - whats your favourite and least favourite thing about where you live?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

a comic.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

well well well

wow, so a lot has happened since i last updated:
-finished all my exams and thus, second year
-packed up my old house and moved into a new apartment
-gene and i christened our apartment with some mcflurries and the twisting of our new (steel) keys in our front door lock hahahaha
-got all (except 1) marks back for second semester and it's looking miiiighty good (ie- everything's above a 71 (even 202 woooot) which is fab for me)
-d rob the ultimate is on facebook and i poked him
-had a lil Rent/pizza/beer/pot party last night with a couple of members of the london summer crew at my new place (wiggedy wack)
-as of 10 minutes ago, everything is unpacked and in its proper place!
