nihilists with good imaginations

Monday, March 27, 2006


my sister found my blog through googling her name and finding her name on one of my friend's blogs

i think heather put it best when she said "just when you thought the internet was comfortably huge enough to hide your thoughts in eh?"

well hellooo allison and welcome to the wonderful world of Western (in blog form)

please enjoy an uncensored tour of my university life as it takes you from one inebriated moment to the next

and please don't forget to click on the links to the pictures on the right hand side of the screen so that you can see how drunk i can be in public

as well, enjoy my lovely commentary on sex, drugs, and ... well ... politics?

and please, dont tell mom?



  • At 9:30 AM, Blogger E. Kwan said…

    We're normal people...that is inclusive of laura...and myself....and not you Shaun...


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